Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Taking Shape

Today the framers completed the main floor. It looks great. We went up there tonight and just simply enjoyed the warm summer night breeze and watched the lights come on in the valley.

Home At Last

Andrew and I arrived back in Leavenworth last night about 9pm. That was a VERY LONG Day! I am posting a picture that was taken of us Monday morning at our hotel in Billings, Montana. It is not a good picture, taken into the early morning sun, but that is a carved wooden bear behind us and a cub on the post next to me.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday July 19th

It has been 3 days of traveling, but it feels like it has been a week. Friday, it was Bloomington, Ill. Saturday, we spent about 11 hours on the road and got to Sioux Fall, South Dakota. Andrew and I treated ourselves to a nice steak and micro brew at a local brewery called Granite City. It was fantastic. Today, we again drove about 11 hours and are in Billings, Montana. Thank goodness the beds have been so comfortable OR maybe it is just that we are so exhausted from driving, we don't care. Our plan is to be home in Leavenworth, Wa. tomorrow night. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, July 17, 2009

On the Road Again!

Or is that "Country Roads"? I couldn't help myself, you know - leaving West Virginia! Andrew and I spent yesterday packing his belongings and loading the truck. We did have help with one of his friends. We left Morgantown this morning and after about 10 hours on the road, we reached Bloomington, Ill. We have decided if we drive at least 10 hours a day, we can make it to Leavenworth in 4 days. Andrew and I were both a little sad today. WVU was his home for 5 years. And of course, I will also miss the football. I guess I'll have to purchase a sports channel on TV to continue watching the 'eers.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday July 15th

I will not be posting for a few days, but you should see progress on the main floor walls once I'm back. I'm off on another adventure. Andrew, our oldest son who graduated from WVU, has decided to move out with us and home base while looking for an engineering job. SO, I'm flying to Pittsburgh today and will be driving his moving van, YES back across the country. We will leave Morgantown, WV on Friday morning and I am planning to be back here by Tuesday night. I'll post the adventure. Yes, I'm crazy, but we do crazy things for our kids, don't we????!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

another evening of excitement!

No, not the skunks. Tonight it was a family of raccoons. Never a dull moment around here in the evenings when talking about wildlife. I was heading down the driveway with my sister, Karlyn and we heard movement in the brush. Looking to the left , we saw a momma raccoon and 4 babies scurrying up a tree that was downed and leaning up against another tree. All five, wide eyed and staring right at us. Darn - I wish I had my camera! Sorry.
Oh, and last night we were enjoying a drink on the patio with friends when the two fawns decided to come bounding up the hill and across the patio. Yes, while we were sitting there. They stopped and eyed us just like we were watching them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Evening Excitement?!

Usually, every evening a small herd of deer hang out in my mom's backyard. In particular, a large Buck, 2 does and 3 fawns. The fawns are very young and still have their spots. They were born about a month ago in my mom's yard and we watched them wobble around. The only time the doe gets agressive is when the dog is out. She will chase Brizzy. People sitting on the patio don't bother her. It is fun to watch them.

BUT TONIGHT - Rich looked out the dining room window and there was a momma skunk and 3 babies in my mom's driveway. We watched as the momma picked one of the cubs up and carried it across the lawn and into the woods to her den. The other two cubs waddled around the driveway together, chirping. Several minutes later, momma was back. She scurried past the two cubs and went down the driveway. Back she comes with 3 more cubs following her. We must have watched her and those cubs for 30 minutes while she tried to round them up and head them back to the den. It was hilarious! But thank goodness Rich had already come back from picking up the mail at the bottom of the driveway or he would have had a BIG SMELLY SURPRISE. The scenario of those "youngsters" escaping and momma looking for them was funny. She kept turning around and "chirping at them" to follow her home. They would start to follow and then, get distracted just like human toddlers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Windows and Doors cut out from Daylight basement

Guest Rooms

Just for you DBL CHA: guest room 1 w/view and guest room 2 w/view.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Framers

We have 3 great young guys framing the house and they are doing a fantastic job. They start around 5:30am and enjoy the early morning hours up there. Each day they report to us how many deer and elk they see. No Bears yet. Good.

More Framing and of course, Who can forget the VIEW!