Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday July 15th

I will not be posting for a few days, but you should see progress on the main floor walls once I'm back. I'm off on another adventure. Andrew, our oldest son who graduated from WVU, has decided to move out with us and home base while looking for an engineering job. SO, I'm flying to Pittsburgh today and will be driving his moving van, YES back across the country. We will leave Morgantown, WV on Friday morning and I am planning to be back here by Tuesday night. I'll post the adventure. Yes, I'm crazy, but we do crazy things for our kids, don't we????!!!


  1. sooo--you towing the explorer or is Andrew driving it (that means not riding w/ mom in moving van). Have a great trip---this one HAS to be your last (oh, but you do have one other kid....) wish i was goin' w/ ya NOT!!! (well, i would've....) gmb

  2. soooo, where is Rich?

  3. Rich is working with his paying job, business travel. He leaves on Sunday and will be gone for a week.
