Thursday, July 9, 2009

Evening Excitement?!

Usually, every evening a small herd of deer hang out in my mom's backyard. In particular, a large Buck, 2 does and 3 fawns. The fawns are very young and still have their spots. They were born about a month ago in my mom's yard and we watched them wobble around. The only time the doe gets agressive is when the dog is out. She will chase Brizzy. People sitting on the patio don't bother her. It is fun to watch them.

BUT TONIGHT - Rich looked out the dining room window and there was a momma skunk and 3 babies in my mom's driveway. We watched as the momma picked one of the cubs up and carried it across the lawn and into the woods to her den. The other two cubs waddled around the driveway together, chirping. Several minutes later, momma was back. She scurried past the two cubs and went down the driveway. Back she comes with 3 more cubs following her. We must have watched her and those cubs for 30 minutes while she tried to round them up and head them back to the den. It was hilarious! But thank goodness Rich had already come back from picking up the mail at the bottom of the driveway or he would have had a BIG SMELLY SURPRISE. The scenario of those "youngsters" escaping and momma looking for them was funny. She kept turning around and "chirping at them" to follow her home. They would start to follow and then, get distracted just like human toddlers.

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